Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tebow will be a successful NFL Quarterback

What better topic to start my new Broncos blog than discussing the most controversial player in the NFL? :)

A lot of blogs I read keep claiming Tim is a flash in the pan, 'He'll get found out!' they say, and then fail next year, but they are wrong! Tim will be a successful NFL Quarterback.

'But he can't pass!' 'He can only play in the last 5 minutes!' I hear the Anti-Tebows scream. Yes, he can pass. The problem the Broncos have is not Tebow's passing, it's our Wide Receivers. Their catching is not good enough. Against The Bears on Sunday TT made some perfect throws that our WRs dropped, right to their body! One of these was a Touchdown pass! We'd never have needed to make another comeback if these simple catches would have been caught.

Of course, he could do with some improvement, but he's never had a proper offseason to work on his throwing mechanics and he's still new to the NFL. That will come, combine him with some improved WRs and he'll be part of an offense that can easily hit 20+ points a game. Mix a good passer with a great runner and you have a QB to be afraid of!

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